The path to better hearing
You think you are experiencing hearing loss but aren’t sure what to do next? The path to better hearing begins with a comprehensive assessment of your hearing by an audiologist.
Make an appointment today with our partner, the Polyclinique de l’Oreille !
The audiologist will find out whether you have hearing loss or not. He or she will then suggest solutions for you, like hearing aids, based on the results of the assessment.
Here are the three easy steps to rediscovering the pleasure of hearing!
- To avoid isolating yourself from your friends and family
- To slow cognitive decline
- To relieve the fatigue and tension caused by hearing loss
- To be able to continue your group activities and enjoy them fully
- To encourage social, professional and school integration
- To better understand speech in noisy situations
- To prevent sensory deprivation
- To hear music, television and phone conversations as best possible