How should you speak to a loved one who doesn’t seem aware of their hearing impairment?
Hearing loss is never easy to accept. We can spend several years denying it and telling ourselves it’s not a big deal, without any serious impact. But when those around us start noticing and speak to us about it, we can’t cover our ears any longer!
Dad, look at me. We need to talk about something.
Loved ones play a crucial role in helping someone with probable hearing loss face up to the situation. You don’t have to convince them alone! Your friends and family members can help. They can step in to help you encourage your loved one to get a preventive hearing test. People are more likely to agree to have their hearing health evaluated when those who care express their concern.
Do you know… ?
Audioprosthetists are also available to welcome and assist anyone who has questions about their hearing. They provide important information about hearing health and explain how someone can rediscover the joy of hearing.
The right words at the right time
Hearing loss can be a delicate subject to broach with a loved one who may not be aware they have a problem. Think about whether you are the best person to talk about the situation patiently and attentively. When you do bring up the subject, talk about it gently and tactfully so the person will pay attention.
It is recommended to first explain the signs of hearing loss (asking people to repeat themselves, turning the TV volume up high, etc.). Then, give some examples of what you have noticed and describe specific situations in which you have seen the person having trouble hearing. Be as detailed as possible with your examples
Hearing loss is difficult to accept
Keep in mind the three reasons people can spend years in denial about their hearing loss:
– A negative image of hearing aids
Luckily, hearing aids have come a long way. They are much more discrete and attractive, and include very useful new technologies.
– The fear of aging
It’s perfectly normal to want to avoid facing the reality of diminishing faculties. Yet, in order to age well, it’s just as important to take care of our hearing health as it is the rest of our health.
– Incorrect understanding of hearing loss
It is important to realize that hearing loss is irreversible 90% of the time. The earlier corrective steps are taken, the slower the hearing loss will progress.
It will take courage, patience and perseverance
To help a loved one accept that they have a hearing impairment, speak to them from the heart, with openness and attention to their reactions. Take it slow: if the person is not receptive, do not insist on continuing. Bring up the subject at another time.
If you think a loved one has hearing loss, our hearing health professionals are available to answer your questions and take you through the next steps.
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