Hearing well means aging well!
Maintaining your hearing health throughout life is key to aging well and staying active. Of the five senses, hearing is one of the most important for communicating and understanding the world around us. Several studies have shown the link between good hearing and our emotional, physical and cognitive well-being.
Here’s how good hearing can contribute to slowing the effects of passing time on your quality of life.
Keep up an active social life
Social isolation is one of the first negative impacts of hearing loss. Since all our social relationships are based primarily on oral communication, an emerging hearing problem will inevitably make communication difficult, which encourages gradual social withdrawal. We might first cancel noisy evenings out, then start avoiding certain types of conversation and disengage from our social circle. If hearing loss isn’t treated, it will be increasingly challenging to communicate and talk with your friends and family normally.
But this outcome can be avoided. Meet with an audioprosthetist as soon as you notice signs of hearing loss. This hearing professional will point you to the best solutions to regain your hearing.
Keep your brain healthy
A good deal of research has shown that keeping our minds active helps delay the appearance and progression of cognitive issues. When we maintain good hearing health, our brain continues to receive all kinds of stimuli, for example having conversations, attending social events or listening to music. The goal is to keep our mind in good shape.
Alzheimer’s disease and dementia are two of the cognitive problems that can be prevented with good hearing health, and the simple act of wearing hearing aids can reduce their prevalence.
Stay autonomous
Aging well also means being able to remain autonomous. Again, hearing has an important role to play. When we take steps to make sure we’re hearing well, we’re giving ourselves the chance to stay independent as long as possible. Communicating well, understanding what our doctor or pharmacist tells us, and hearing sounds that signal danger or an emergency is essential to independent living.
The right hearing solution make us feel safer and keep us independent.
Hear well to preserve quality of life
Hearing loss, even partial or gradual, is never insignificant. Even if it isn’t tied to a serious illness, it can have significant repercussions on your quality of life and level of autonomy.
Don’t let your hearing loss worsen over time! If you think you have hearing loss, see an audioprosthetist. During your first visit, the audioprosthetist will assess your hearing and, depending on your results, will suggest possible solutions and next steps.
Did you know? It is recommended to see a hearing health professional …
- As soon as you see signs of hearing loss
- For a hearing test every two years once you turn 50
Why wait?
If you think you or a loved one has hearing loss, our hearing health professionals will be happy to help you rediscover the pleasure of hearing.
Contact one of our clinics: www.legroupeforget.com.