Active lifestyles and hearing aids

Who says sports and hearing aids don’t mix? Here are a few tips to make it easier to use hearing aids when doing your favourite sports.


During contact sports, a player or a ball can hit your hearing aids or your ears, which can lead to injury. A soft earpiece can reduce the risk of injury.

Hearing aids can also fall out and be lost or damaged when you play sports. It is recommended to wear a headband to keep your devices from falling out, or use a product like Oto Clip that attaches them securely to your clothing.


Sweating and moisture are an inevitable part of an active lifestyle, making it hard to keep hearing aids dry. Moisture is one of the main reasons they can malfunction. Moisture and sweat from the ear build up in the hearing aid and affect its battery life, decrease its sensitivity and cause other problems.


  • Use a dehumidifier and a blower bulb after physical activity to help prevent excessive moisture.
  • Wear a headband to keep sweat from soaking your hearing aids.
  • Hearing aids can foster bacteria when they get very wet. Daily cleaning will considerably reduce the risk of infection and repair costs.


After a day at the beach or hiking, dust and dirt may have gotten into your hearing aids. To keep them working properly, they need to be cleaned regularly. Clean your hearing aids and earpieces with a soft, dry cloth. Make sure your hands are clean and dry before handling them. Only use products that have been recommended by your audioprosthetist.


Several types of hearing aids are now available that use advanced technology to protect against water, impact, dust, moisture and sweat. You no longer have to take them off to keep them from getting damaged or to be sure they’ll still work after your activity.

If you have any concerns about your hearing or the hearing of a loved one, our auditory health professionals will be happy to answer your questions.

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